Try our new service - ShopsRobot - an even more convenient way to sell your products!
About Unlimited Payment Links
— If you don't know how to use API and don't want to write code - UPL are your choice!— One UPL - one text product, which you can automatically sell, for example: link to download a file, pincode, password, link to closed channels / groups or everything that comes to mind!
— Your clients will see the hidden text (product) only after payment!
— You can use all coins - invoices will be the same as if you use our API.
— Demo:
How it works?
1. Create a link.2. Send this link to unlimited number of your customers.
3. Each customer will get own invoice.
4. After payment - you will get money directly to your wallet and your client will see hidden text.
5. Each new invoice (when your customer open link) decreases (-1) requests limit (control your limits on API key page)
6. Each payment (when your customer pays) decreases (-1) transaction limit (control your limits on API key page)
7. You can edit or delete link at any time you want without limits!
Simple store (example)
• Create a password-protected archive (with pdf files of courses, a book, a video, a program, or anything else)• Upload this archive to any file sharing site and specify the link to the archive in the description when creating the link.
(so, your customer will be able to download the archive before payment and see that it is not empty. Also, the customer will not be able to open these files, since the archive is password-protected!)
• In the hidden text, which is shown to your customer only after payment, specify the archive's password.
• That's all, actually! Your automatic online store is ready! You are limited only by your imagination - this is a banal example of how you can use payment links!