(new parameters - [amount_plus] and [amount_percent] in $coins)

If you don't know how to use API or you don't want to write code for your project - you can use our Unlimited Payment Links (UPL)
You can create a link without using API and sell your goods automatically! Use all coins, p2p transactions and other cool things from PayCrypto.

Also, you can create your own bot store in Telegram - an even more convenient way to sell your products. Link to the bot - ShopsRobot


METHOD: getrates

Get actual rates of coins.

Example JSON answer:

    "btc": {
        "btc": "1",
        "eth": "14.900315",
        "trx": "310559.0062111801",
        "ton": "15429.7176361673",
        "ltc": "368.309",
        "bch": "171.639",
        "xrp": "39162",
        "dash": "463.3254722445",
        "bnb": "70.288",
        "doge": "318471.3375796179",
        "usdt": "19193.8579654511",
        "busd": "19197.5427145325",
        "dai": "19193.8579654511",
        "usd": "19201.58",
        "rub": "1236649",
        "eur": "19743.36",
        "try": "356831",
        "inr": "1578972"
    "eth": {
        "btc": "0.06706181",
        "eth": "1",
        "trx": "20846.3623097769",
        "ton": "1034.7682119205",
        "ltc": "24.715759",
        "bch": "11.518016",
        "xrp": "2628",
        "dash": "31.0714073763",
        "bnb": "4.716732",
        "doge": "21326.5088505012",
        "usdt": "1287.5315445228",
        "busd": "1287.4155133569",
        "dai": "1287.6973396173",
        "usd": "1288.54",
        "rub": "82987",
        "eur": "1324.9",
        "try": "23946",
        "inr": "105959"

METHOD: info

Get actual info about your acc.

Example JSON answer:

    "plan": "-",
    "subscription": 0,
    "webhooks_per_day": 0,
    "requests_per_day": 0,
    "rate_limit_this_method": "1 query per 10 secs"

METHOD: getpaylink

Request PAYLINK for customer. You need to send JSON post body to our API.

Full example JSON post body:

    "lang": "en", //required, en||ru
    "title": "Title of your invoice", //required
    "desc": "Decription of your invoice", //required
    //You can use BB-CODEs: [url=link]link[/url], [b]bold[/b], [i]em[/i], [u]underline[/u], [color=#color]color text[/color]
    "amount": 60, //required, int or float, >0 (this amount will be converted by paycrypto for every coin, which does not have own amount)
    "amount_currency": "usd", //required
    //[usd, rub, eur, try, inr, thb, uah, btc, bch, eth, usdt, trx, ltc, dash, ton, doge, dai, bnb, busd, xrp]
    "ok_link": "back link for customer when transaction completed", //required, allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _.-/:?=
    "cancel_link": "back link for customer when he cancel payment", //required, allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _.-/:?=
    "webhook_link": "link to your script where PayCrypto will send webhook, when transaction totally get all confirmations", //required, allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _.-/:?=
    "coins": { //required, list of coins, that will show on payment page
    //[btc, bch, eth, ethusdt, ethdai, trx, trxusdt, ltc, dash, ton, doge, bnb, bnbusdt, bnbdai, busd, xrp]
        "ton": {
            "address": "Your ton address", //required, allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -_=:
            "amount": 100.002342 //optional, int or float (if you specify - paycrypto will not convert this amount)
        "xrp": {
            "address": "Your xrp address", //required, allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -_=:
            "tag": 123445 //required only if coin = xrp
        "btc": {
            "address": "Your btc address" //required, allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -_=:
        "ltc": {
            "address": "Your ltc address", //required, allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -_=:
            "amount_plus": 50 //optional, allowed numbers (-, 0-9) (if specify - paycrypto will use own rates, but add/subtract this amount to result)
        "doge": {
            "address": "Your doge address", //required, allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -_=:
            "amount_percent": 10 //optional, allowed numbers (-, 0-9) (if specify - paycrypto will use own rates, but add/subtract this percents to result)
        "trxusdt": {
            "address": "Your trx address", //required, allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -_=:
            "amount": 61 //optional, int or float (if you specify - paycrypto will not convert this amount)
        } //and so on, you can use all coins, and if you want even change addresses in each request..
    "other": { //optional, if specify - will be returned with webhook
        "user_id": 12345, //any pair of key and value, key allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, value allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _.-/:
        "order_id": "pc_23482",
        "something": "any string",
        "and_so_on": "..."
    "customization": {//optional, not allowed on PLAN S, allowed params: background||logo||logo_text||logo_link
        "background": "fff", //or "background": "Direct link to image", optional (you can use colors without # or images), allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _.-/:
        "logo": "Direct link to image", //optional, allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _.-/:
        "logo_text": "Custom header of invoice", //optional, allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _.-/:
        "logo_link": "Direct link to your project" //optional, allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _.-/:

PHP example:

$json['lang'] = 'en';
$json['title'] = 'Test invoice #123';
$json['desc'] = 'Custom description for my invoice';
//You can use BB-CODEs: [url=link]link[/url], [b]bold[/b], [i]em[/i], [u]underline[/u], [color=#color]color text[/color]
$json['amount'] = 60;
$json['amount_currency'] = "eur";
//[usd, rub, eur, try, inr, thb, uah, btc, bch, eth, usdt, trx, ltc, dash, ton, doge, dai, bnb, busd, xrp]
$json['ok_link'] = "";
$json['cancel_link'] = "";
$json['webhook_link'] = "";
//$json['coins'] = ARRAY of coins (you can use all in each invoice)
//customer sees these coins as different payment methods on invoice page
//you can set ..[coin]['address'], ..[coin]['amount'], ..[coin]['tag'] (tag - only for xrp)
//look coins list
$json['coins']['btc']['address'] = "mybtcaddress1234";
$json['coins']['trx']['address'] = "myTRXaddress";
$json['coins']['trx']['amount'] = 1579.123456; //optional
//if you specify amount paycrypto will not convert $json['amount'] for this coin
$json['coins']['trxusdt']['address'] = "myTRXaddress";
$json['coins']['xrp']['address'] = "myXRPaddress";
$json['coins']['xrp']['tag'] = 19384532;
$json['coins']['ltc']['address'] = "myLTCaddress";
$json['coins']['ltc']['amount_plus'] = 50; //optional
//if you use amount_plus - you can't use amount_percent, amount_plus tells paycrypto convert $json['amount'] with own rates, and add/subtract ['amount_plus'] to result
$json['coins']['doge']['address'] = "myDOGEaddress";
$json['coins']['doge']['amount_percent'] = 10; //optional
//if you use amount_percent - you can't use amount_plus, amount_percent tells paycrypto convert $json['amount'] with own rates, and add/subtract ['amount_plus'] percents to result
//$json['other'] = ARRAY of key->value (PayCrypto will add this info in webhook)
//$json['other']['your_key'] = 'your_value';
$json['other']['customer_id'] = 129483435;
$json['other']['password'] = 'abc34de56';
$json['other']['product_id'] = 'book_145';
//customization NOT available on plan S
$json['customization']['background'] = '';
$json['customization']['logo'] = '';
$json['customization']['logo_text'] = 'PayCrypto Store';

$url = "***your_api_key***/getpaylink";    
$content = json_encode($json);

$curl = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ["Content-type: application/json"]);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $content);

$json_response = curl_exec($curl);

$decode_answer = json_decode($json_response, true);
$pay_link = $decode_answer['paylink'];
//show link to customer and so on...

Example JSON answer:

    "paylink": ""

METHOD: getpayment

Proccess the payment on YOUR side without sending your customer to our payment page. Available only with U plan. You need to send JSON post body to our API.

Full example JSON post body:

    "amount": 60, //required, int or float, >0 (this amount will be converted by paycrypto for every coin, which does not have own amount)
    "amount_currency": "usd", //required
    //[usd, rub, eur, try, inr, thb, uah, btc, bch, eth, usdt, trx, ltc, dash, ton, doge, dai, bnb, busd, xrp]
    "webhook_link": "link to your script where PayCrypto will send webhook, when transaction totally get all confirmations", //required, allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _.-/:?=
    "coins": { //required, list of coins
    //[btc, bch, eth, ethusdt, ethdai, trx, trxusdt, ltc, dash, ton, doge, bnb, bnbusdt, bnbdai, busd, xrp]
        "ton": {
            "address": "Your ton address", //required, allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -_=:
            "amount": 100.002342 //optional, int or float (if you specify - paycrypto will not convert this amount)
        "xrp": {
            "address": "Your xrp address", //required, allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -_=:
            "tag": 123445 //required only if coin = xrp
        "btc": {
            "address": "Your btc address" //required, allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -_=:
        "ltc": {
            "address": "Your ltc address", //required, allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -_=:
            "amount_plus": -50 //optional, allowed numbers (-, 0-9) (if specify - paycrypto will use own rates, but add/subtract this amount to result)
        "doge": {
            "address": "Your doge address", //required, allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -_=:
            "amount_percent": -10 //optional, allowed numbers (-, 0-9) (if specify - paycrypto will use own rates, but add/subtract this percents to result)
        "trxusdt": {
            "address": "Your trx address", //required, allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -_=:
            "amount": 61 //optional, int or float (if you specify - paycrypto will not convert this amount)
        } //and so on, you can use all coins, and if you want even change addresses in each request..
    "other": { //optional, if specify - will be returned with webhook
        "user_id": 12345, //any pair of key and value, key allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, value allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _.-/:
        "order_id": "pc_23482",
        "something": "any string",
        "and_so_on": "..."

PHP example:

$json['amount'] = 60;
$json['amount_currency'] = "eur";
//[usd, rub, eur, try, inr, thb, uah, btc, bch, eth, usdt, trx, ltc, dash, ton, doge, dai, bnb, busd, xrp]
$json['webhook_link'] = "";
//$json['coins'] = ARRAY of coins (you can use all in each invoice)
//customer sees these coins as different payment methods on invoice page
//you can set ..[coin]['address'], ..[coin]['amount'], ..[coin]['tag'] (tag - only for xrp)
//look coins list
$json['coins']['btc']['address'] = "mybtcaddress1234";
$json['coins']['trx']['address'] = "myTRXaddress";
$json['coins']['trx']['amount'] = 1579.123456; //optional
//if you specify amount paycrypto will not convert $json['amount'] for this coin
$json['coins']['trxusdt']['address'] = "myTRXaddress";
$json['coins']['xrp']['address'] = "myXRPaddress";
$json['coins']['xrp']['tag'] = 19384532;
$json['coins']['ltc']['address'] = "myLTCaddress";
$json['coins']['ltc']['amount_plus'] = -50; //optional
//if you use amount_plus - you can't use amount_percent, amount_plus tells paycrypto convert $json['amount'] with own rates, and add/subtract ['amount_plus'] to result
$json['coins']['doge']['address'] = "myDOGEaddress";
$json['coins']['doge']['amount_percent'] = -10; //optional
//if you use amount_percent - you can't use amount_plus, amount_percent tells paycrypto convert $json['amount'] with own rates, and add/subtract ['amount_plus'] percents to result
//$json['other'] = ARRAY of key->value (PayCrypto will add this info in webhook)
//$json['other']['your_key'] = 'your_value';
$json['other']['customer_id'] = 129483435;
$json['other']['password'] = 'abc34de56';
$json['other']['product_id'] = 'book_145';

$url = "***your_api_key***/getpayment";    
$content = json_encode($json);

$curl = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ["Content-type: application/json"]);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $content);

$json_response = curl_exec($curl);

$decode_answer = json_decode($json_response, true);
$tron_amount_to_pay = $decode_answer['coins']['trx']['amount'];
$invoice_time = $decode_answer['invoice_ttl'];
//show coins list with amounts to your customer and so on...

Example JSON answer:

    "link": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", //link of your invoice
    "amount": 60, //amount of your invoice
    "amount_currency": "eur", //currency of your invoice
    //[usd, rub, eur, try, inr, thb, uah, btc, bch, eth, usdt, trx, ltc, dash, ton, doge, dai, bnb, busd, xrp]
    "coins": {
    //coins that you set
        "trx": {
            "amount": "1577.489355", //EXACTLY amount that your customer has to pay to your wallet
            "convert": "paycrypto", //who calculate rates you or we? "paycrypto||shop"
            "address": "TRON ADDRESS" //your crypto currency address
        "trxusdt": {
            "amount": "123.00",
            "convert": "paycrypto",
            "address": "TRON ADDRESS",
            "tag": "chain: TRC-20" //sometimes you can see TAG - for example with chain info or MEMO for XRP
        "btc": {
            "amount": "0.00450154",
            "convert": "paycrypto",
            "address": "BITCOIN ADDRESS"
        "ltc": {
            "amount": "12.3402",
            "amount_plus": -50,
            "convert": "shop",
            "address": "LITECOIN ADDRESS"
        "doge": {
            "amount": "12.3402",
            "amount_percent": -10,
            "convert": "shop",
            "address": "DOGECOIN ADDRESS"
        //and so on
    "other": {
    //other information that you gave (KEY - VALUE)
        "user_id": 12345,
        "order_id": "pc_23482",
        "something": "any string"
    "webhook_link": "Direct link to your script", //where PayCrypto will send webhook, when transaction totally get all confirmations
    "invoice_ttl": TIMESTAMP //when invoice will be deleted and PayCrypto will stop to wait transaction from your customer

Coins list (for API)

JSON[amount_currency] usd, rub, eur, try, inr, thb, uah, btc, bch, eth, usdt, trx, ltc, dash, ton, doge, dai, bnb, busd, xrp
JSON[coins][coin] btc, bch, eth, ethusdt, ethdai, trx, trxusdt, ltc, dash, ton, doge, bnb, bnbusdt, bnbdai, busd, xrp

Required number of confirmations for coins:

btc = 3 bch = 6 eth = 30 usdt ERC-20 = 12 dai ERC-20 = 12 trx = 20 usdt TRC-20 = 20 ltc = 6 dash = 6 ton = 1 doge = 50 bnb = 12 usdt BEP-20 = 12 dai BEP-20 = 12 busd BEP-20 = 12 xrp = 1

WEBHOOKS (notifications)

When your customer open link of the invoice OR transaction gets all required confirmations OR our system find new transaction to your address, PayCrypto will send webhook (POST query with JSON in body) to your script.
If you want to test webhooks, please visit:
We send webhooks only from these IPs:,,,,,,,,,,,

Example of webhook (invoice opened) (json, post):

    "webhook_type": "invoice_link_opened", //PLEASE, ALWAYS CHECK THE TYPE OF WEBHOOK.
    "link": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", //link of your invoice
    "amount": 60, //amount of your invoice
    "amount_currency": "rub", //currency of your invoice
    //[usd, rub, eur, try, inr, thb, uah, btc, bch, eth, usdt, trx, ltc, dash, ton, doge, dai, bnb, busd, xrp]
    "other": {
    //other information that you gave (KEY - VALUE)
        "user_id": 12345,
        "order_id": "pc_23482",
        "something": "any string"
    "ok_link": "Direct link", //Where to redirect your customers after GOOD PAYMENT
    "cancel_link": "Direct link", //Where to redirect your customers if they will CANCEL PAYMENT
    "webhook_link": "Direct link to your script", //just dublicate
    "invoice_ttl": TIMESTAMP //invoice will be deleted at this moment and PayCrypto will stop to check income transactions to your addresses.

Example of webhook (new transaction) (only 1 time) (json, post):

    "webhook_type": "new_transaction", //PLEASE, ALWAYS CHECK THE TYPE OF WEBHOOK.
    "shop_link": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", //link of your invoice
    "shop_amount": 10, //amount of your invoice
    "shop_currency": "usd", //currency of your invoice
    //[usd, rub, eur, try, inr, thb, uah, btc, bch, eth, usdt, trx, ltc, dash, ton, doge, dai, bnb, busd, xrp]
    "customer_amount": "10.00", //amount paid by your customer
    "customer_currency": "usdt", //customer's currency
    //[btc, bch, eth, usdt, trx, ltc, dash, ton, doge, dai, bnb, busd, xrp]
    "input_wallet": "your address", //your address that got transaction
    "input_tx_hash": "transaction hash", //transaction id
    "confirmations": 1, //quantity of confirmations
    "other": {
    //other information that you gave (KEY - VALUE)
        "user_id": 12345,
        "order_id": "pc_23482",
        "something": "any string"
    "webhook_link": "Direct link to your script" //just dublicate

Example of webhook (payment done) (json, post):

    "webhook_type": "payment_done", //PLEASE, ALWAYS CHECK THE TYPE OF WEBHOOK.
    "shop_link": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", //link of your invoice
    "shop_amount": 60, //amount of your invoice
    "shop_currency": "rub", //currency of your invoice
    //[usd, rub, eur, try, inr, thb, uah, btc, bch, eth, usdt, trx, ltc, dash, ton, doge, dai, bnb, busd, xrp]
    "customer_amount": "0.000000100", //amount paid by your customer
    "customer_currency": "ton", //customer's currency
    //[btc, bch, eth, usdt, trx, ltc, dash, ton, doge, dai, bnb, busd, xrp]
    "input_wallet": "your address", //your address that got transaction
    "input_tx_hash": "transaction hash", //transaction id
    "other": {
    //other information that you gave (KEY - VALUE)
        "user_id": 12345,
        "order_id": "pc_23482",
        "something": "any string"
    "webhook_link": "Direct link to your script" //just dublicate

PHP example:

if (!in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''])) exit;
//block other IPs

$input = file_get_contents('php://input');
//get JSON from paycrypto

$decode = json_decode($input, 1);
//decode JSON from paycrypto

if($decode['webhook_type'] == 'invoice_link_opened'){
    //the webhook is sent only for getpaylink method
    //now you know that your customer opened your invoice and you can do something using information from $decode array

if($decode['webhook_type'] == 'new_transaction'){
    //the webhook is sent only if it is a new transaction that has fewer confirmations than necessary
    //now you know that your customer made transaction and you can do something using information from $decode array

if($decode['webhook_type'] == 'payment_done'){
    //top up balance, or make something for your customer here using information from $decode array